Sean Murthy

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I engage students, faculty, and administrators of schools, colleges, and universities worldwide. The engagement can be short term (like a day visit) or long term. It can be in the form of workshops, tutorials, guest lectures, open forums (“Ask me Anything”), consulting, one-on-one sessions, mentoring, and project guidance.

I am able to customize faculty development, curriculum development, strategic planning, and similar activities to specific departmental and institutional needs.

I take all engagments—small and large—seriously. My goal is to improve the quality of education and to add meaningful academic value. I am firmly committed to this cause and will collaborate with anyone similarly committed. To this end, I humbly welcome inquiries from people and institutions that share my vision and values so that together we can build a better society.

I respectfully ask potential hosts to carefully read this page and all pages linked below in their entirety prior to starting the engagement process. The pages are designed to answer upfront as many questions as possible and to address/avoid frequent issues.

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